Institute of Public Accountants (IPA), Perth WA
The Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) is one of Australia’s oldest representative professional bodies, formed over 90 years ago. Commencing operations in 1923, the IPAs evolution has seen them grow to their current position with over 42,000 students and members internationally.
Level 4, 1008 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000
The IPA has a passion for small business. More than 75 per cent of members are either servicing small business or are small businesses in their own right. The IPA constantly challenges themselves to ensure they deliver the best service possible to their members, while maintaining their small business focus.
IPA’s commitment to members includes the delivery of quality continual professional development and education pathways, ensuring they maintain currency of knowledge and relevance in an ever-changing and competitive market.
This is supported by a range of communications including technical newsletters and updates; major conferences and networking opportunities; and, an award winning online technical support platform.
Check out how to become a member by visiting the IPA website.
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