Properties & Pathways

The best ways to invest $500k in Australia


24 September, 2024

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If you have $500,000 ready to put into an Australian investment… congratulations. These days, it’s no easy feat to lock away that amount of capital.

And now, after the undoubtedly long road it took to get you here, you’ll want to think long and hard about the best way to invest: Is it yield you’re after? Passive income from $500,000 would seriously bolster most Aussie’s annual income. Or perhaps you’re willing to accept a little more risk for a little more capital growth?

There’s a lot to consider. But the good news is, each choice of investment comes with their own pros and cons—their own unique traits and characteristics—that will help you find the best investment for you. Of course, how do you define “best”?

How should you define “Best”?

The “best” approach will vary depending on your financial goals, risk tolerance and the time horizon you’re comfortable with.

“Best investment” can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Ultimately, it comes down to what is “best” for you, but of course there are usually two defining factors when figuring out the best investment, especially for $500,000 of capital looking for a good, reliable home.


Safety refers to how secure your investment is. Low-risk investments usually offer modest returns but protect your initial capital. Safe investments might be ideal if preserving your $500K is a high priority.


A degree of safety is essential in any investment, but of course it’s never guaranteed. That’s why weighing risk with rewards is a key idea for investors.

Returns drive the growth of your investment and, generally, higher returns come with higher risks. The right balance between safety and returns is crucial, whatever your financial goals.

What’s best for you?

couple deciding how to invest 500k

Understanding your unique financial position and investment goals is key to locking down the best strategy. Are you looking for long-term capital growth? Short-term passive income? Or maybe a blend of both?

Let your answer be your North Star.

Some of the “best” ways to invest $500K in Australia

Government Bonds


Government bonds are considered one of the safest investments you can make. Why? They are backed by the Australian government, so the risk of default is extremely low. This makes them ideal for conservative investors looking for a secure place to park their money.


Yes, bonds are considered safe. But government bonds typically offer lower returns compared to other investment avenues.

Over time, if returns don’t stack up, you might even lose purchasing power due to inflation. That’s why bonds are usually better suited for those with far higher safety concerns for their half-million-dollar investment. Aggressive growth is obviously not their thing.

High-interest savings accounts


Yet another safe option, given the backing of large financial institutions to safely hold your funds. On top of that, your savings are generally insured up to $250,000 per account by the Australian government under the Financial Claims Scheme.


While safer, high interest savings accounts offer relatively low returns (even in high-interest rate environments). Australia’s inflation is currently high and many savings accounts sit below that annual rate. So, in nominal terms, your savings are deteriorating. Further, you’ll need to consider the tax paid on your interest earnings.

All that said, savings accounts give you excellent liquidity, and might be a good short-term home while you consider other investments for your $500,000.

Term Deposits


Term deposits are typically a very safe investment option as they are backed by banks and offer a guaranteed return. The risk of losing money is extremely low—effectively the bank holding your capital would need to go under—and similar to savings accounts, they are covered by the Financial Claims Scheme up to $250,000.


While safer, term deposits lock your money away for a fixed period. That hamstrings your liquidity, meaning you’ll potentially miss out on other investment opportunities (unless you’re willing to pay a break fee, if banks offer that exit route).

But term deposits typically offer higher returns than regular savings accounts, given the longer-term commitment.

Residential Real Estate Investment

residential investment

Propensity for capital growth

Investing $500,000 in residential real estate—especially in prime areas or in a rising market—can offer strong capital growth opportunities. Over the long term, property values tend to appreciate. There are decades of historic returns to prove this.

But of course, that’s not a guarantee and you’ll need to factor that into your decision.


Most investors typically get into the resi market for the capital growth, but of course, rental income will generate a passive yield for investors. That said, it’s not considerable. Expect yields to fall between 1 per cent and 3 per cent.

Commercial Property Investment

Higher entry point (for a reason)

Commercial properties typically require a larger initial investment than residential properties, meaning your $500k might not stretch as far if you’re looking to invest in this sector. You can certainly still get exposure by leveraging or investing in smaller-scale commercial real estate, like strata office spaces or retail shops. Or consider investing alongside a property investment company (more on that soon).


Annual returns on commercial properties can far outstrip those of residential real estate, with tenants often willing to pay higher rents. Moreover, commercial leases tend to be longer, and tenants usually cover outgoings such as rates and utilities, meaning your money works very efficiently for you.

Property Syndicates

investment professional investing 500k

Professional Management

Property syndicates allow you to pool your money with other investors and professionals to invest in large-scale properties that might otherwise be out of reach. This investment type is more passive, as the syndicate manager handles all the operational aspects. You’ll likely see far lower risk than going out on your own in commercial property, given the fund manager’s expertise and professional network.

Set and forget

Investing $500,000 in a property syndicate can offer a set-and-forget investment, wih the confidence of steady returns without the same time or effort as investing alone.

Of course, it’s essential to choose a reputable company with a strong track record to ensure you’re investing with seasoned professionals.


Safety factor

Investing in blue chip shares—usually associated with major banks, mining companies and national and international retailers—can generate passive income from dividends. Over time, you might see the value of your shares grow, but there’s a likely ceiling to this growth compared to speculative shares and the like.

Blue chip shares are typically more stable than specs, but they aren’t immune to short-term volatility. As we’ve seen, even a mere Tweet can send major companies’ stock prices south.

A downturn in the stock market can result in severe losses, and unlike property, there is no tangible asset to fall back on. Stocks also don’t allow you to directly add value to your investment (yes, even if you attend every shareholder meeting).

Index Funds

Passive growth

Index funds are a popular choice for investors looking for diversified, passive growth. They track a market index, like the ASX200, and expose your $500K investment to a broad range of companies. This reduces the risk of investing in single stocks.

No ability to add value

Like stocks, there is no way to add direct value to your investment in an index fund. You’re entirely reliant on the market’s performance. But, that said, index funds do offer diversification, which can mitigate some market risks while providing consistent returns over the long term.

With $500,000 to invest, your investment choices are wide ranging, each with varying degrees of risk and reward. By now, you’ve seen that the theme of today’s post is discovering your own capacity for risk versus your desire for reward.

Want the best investment option for your $500,000? Perhaps invest some time with your accountant or financial planner to uncover what “best” means for you.

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Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Any information provided on this website has not considered the objectives, financial situation or needs of any investor; investors should consider whether it is appropriate to them to partake in a commercial property investment prior to investing, in light of their objectives, financial situation or needs. Every investor should obtain and consider the investment’s Information Memorandum before making a decision in relation to the investment.